Helico Bacstop
Improve Digestive Health
H. pylori (Heliobacter pylori) is a type of bacteria that infects your stomach. It can damage the tissue in your stomach and the first part of your small intestine (the duodenum). This can cause redness and soreness (inflammation). In some cases it can also cause painful sores called peptic ulcers in your upper digestive tract. H. pylori is common. Many people have it. Most people who have it won’t get ulcers or show any symptoms. But it is a main cause of ulcers. H. pylori attacks the lining that protects your stomach. The bacteria makes an enzyme called urease. This enzyme makes your stomach acids less acidic (neutralizes them). This weakens your stomach’s lining. Your stomach cells then have greater risk of being hurt by acid and pepsin, strong digestive fluids. That can lead to sores or ulcers in your stomach or duodenum.
Each package contains: 60 vegicaps.
Recommended use:
One capsule, twice a day, on an empty stomach
Helico Bacstop Benefits
Reduces the quantity of H. pylori to a safe level.
Excludes undesirable consequences of eradication.
Preserves healthy microflora in the stomach.
Supports stomach health and comfort.
Promotes a healthy stomach wall at the cellular level.
Encourages healthy production and maintenance of the mucosal lining.
Helps maintain a healthy stomach environment.
Contains Lactobacillus Reuteri, the only probiotic strain able to offer 100% specificity in terms of fighting Helicobacter pylori.
Helps to relieve chronic gastric discomfort or pain, acid reflux, digestion-related nausea, sluggish or painful digestion, bloating, cramps and heartburn.
Decreases the toxic load in the stomach, reducing the risk of developing gastritis or a gastrointestinal ulcer.
H. pylori (Heliobacter pylori) is a type of bacteria that infects your stomach. It can damage the tissue in your stomach and the first part of your small intestine (the duodenum). This can cause redness and soreness (inflammation). In some cases it can also cause painful sores called peptic ulcers in your upper digestive tract. H. pylori is common.
Many people have it. Most people who have it won’t get ulcers or show any symptoms. But it is a main cause of ulcers. H. pylori attacks the lining that protects your stomach. The bacteria makes an enzyme called urease. This enzyme makes your stomach acids less acidic (neutralizes them). This weakens your stomach’s lining. Your stomach cells then have greater risk of being hurt by acid and pepsin, strong digestive fluids. That can lead to sores or ulcers in your stomach or duodenum.

The H. pylori bacteria can also stick to stomach cells. Your stomach can’t protect itself very well. The area gets red and swollen (inflamed). H. pylori can also get the stomach to make more acid. Health experts don’t fully understand how.
What causes H. pylori infection?
Health experts don’t know for sure how H. pylori infection is spread. They believe the germs can be passed from person to person by mouth, such as by kissing. It may also be passed by having contact with vomit or stool. This may happen if you:
Eat food that was not cleaned or cooked in a safe way
Drink water that is infected with the bacteria
Who is at risk for H. pylori infection?
You may be at greater risk for H. pylori infection because of:
Your age. Over half the people in the U.S. with the bacteria are over 50 years old.
Your race or ethnicity. Almost half of all African Americans have the bacteria. For people who come to the U.S. from developing countries, at least 50% of Latinos and 50% of people from Eastern Europe have H. pylori.
Most people first get the bacteria when they are children, but adults can get it too.
What are the symptoms of H. pylori?
Most people have the bacteria for years without knowing it because they don’t have any symptoms. Experts don’t know why.
You may have redness and swelling (inflammation) in your stomach lining. This is called gastritis. You may get sores or peptic ulcers in your stomach or the first part of your small intestine (duodenum). Ulcer symptoms may include belly or abdominal pain, which can:
Be a dull pain that doesn’t go away
Happen 2 to 3 hours after you eat
Come and go for several days or weeks
Happen in the middle of the night when your stomach is empty
Go away when you eat or take medicines that reduce your stomach acid level (antacids)
Other symptoms of an ulcer may include:
Weight loss
Not feeling hungry
Swelling or bloating
Having an upset stomach or nausea
The symptoms of ulcers may look like other health problems. Always see your healthcare provider to be sure.
Helicobacter Pylori in Children
H. pylori is a very common cause of peptic ulcers and gastritis in adults, but it can and does occur in children too. Call your pediatrician if your child has any symptoms suggestive of gastritis. If your child has been diagnosed with an ulcer or H. pylori gastritis, call a doctor immediately if the following occur as they may be symptoms of gastrointestinal bleeding or ulcer perforation:
Sudden, sharp abdominal pain
Blood in the stool or black feces
Bloody vomit or vomit that looks like coffee grounds
What are the complications of H. pylori?
If you are infected with the bacteria you can get a painful sore called a peptic ulcer. These sores form in your upper digestive tract. A very bad ulcer can wear away your stomach lining. It can also cause problems such as:
Bleeding when a blood vessel is worn away
A hole or perforation in your stomach wall
Blockage when the ulcer is in a spot that blocks food from leaving your stomach
H. pylori can also lead to stomach cancer.
What can I do to prevent H. pylori?
Health experts don’t know for sure how the bacteria passes from person to person. But having good health habits (hygiene) can help keep you safe. These habits include:
Washing your hands with soap and water. It is very important to do this after using the bathroom and before eating.
Making sure all food you eat has been cleaned and cooked safely
Making sure that your drinking water is safe and clean
Helico Bacstop Ingredients
A patented strain that helps reduce H.pylori. Pylopass is biologically active product and nutritional product which reduces concentration of H. Pylori in the stomach lining and upper part of the small intestine. Pylopass contains 20 billion specially selected and heatinactivated Lactobacillus reuteri DSMZ 17648 which:
Reduce H. Pylori,
Alleviate symptoms related to H. Pylori infection such as:excessive burping, feeling bloated, nausea or vomiting, lack of appetite, bad breath.
Pylopass also contains zinc, which contributes to:
The normal acid-base metabolism
The normal function of the immune system
Normal carbohydrate metabolism and metabolism of fatty acids.
Improve digestive health. Digestive health is currently subject to the greatest of attention. Depending on local regulation, the recommended daily intake of fibres is 25 to 30g a day. A 5g intake of FIBRULINE™ corresponds to the recommended daily dose for inulin to have a prebiotic effect. In a diet rich in chicory root fibres, these fibres are not digested by the small intestine so they arrive in the colon intact, where they are totally and selectively fermented by the intestinal microflora, along with the production of short-chain fatty acids.
Lactobacillus reuteri
One-week triple therapy, combining proton pump inhibitor plus two antibiotics, is currently regarded as the standard therapy for Helicobacter pylori eradication,1, 2 and is well tolerated and simple to administer. However, the eradication rates vary in the range 65–90%. Poor patient compliance and bacterial resistance are the main factors contributing to treatment failure. Therefore, improvements in the eradication rate and drug compliance are needed in currently used, 1-week, proton pump inhibitor-based triple therapy. Moreover, the large dosages of 1-week antibiotic treatments may induce a change in the bowel flora and lead to gastrointestinal side-effects after triple therapy. Therefore, the restoration of the normal flora in the intestine, especially beneficial Bifidobacterium species, is also important in patients receiving triple therapy for H. pylori eradication. Recently, Lactobacillus species have been demonstrated to have an inhibitory effect on the in vitro attachment of H. pylori to gastric cell lines. Exogenous administration of Lactobacillus may thus help to prevent or treat H. pylori infection.
10 strains probiotic blend
Probiotics are live microorganisms which upon ingestion in sufficient concentrations can exert health benefits to the host. This definition of probiotics was derived in 2001 by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), and has been the term of reference for science and regulation thereafter (FAO/WHO 2002). Demand for food containing probiotics are expanding globally due to the continuous generation of research evidence indicating their potential health benefits to consumers.
Hundreds of different bacteria species are the natural and predominant constituents of intestinal microbiota. Among the numerous intestinal microbes, those anticipated to exhibit potential health benefits to the host through modulation of the intestinal microbiota are commonly selected as probiotics. Species belonging to the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium have been reported to be the beneficial probiotic bacterial strains. The representative species include L. acidophilus, L. casei, L. plantarum, B. lactis, B. longum, and B. bifidum (Kailasapathy & Chin 2000; Ishibashi & Yamazaki 2001). Some of the major health benefits attributed to probiotics include improvement of gastrointestinal microflora, enhancement of immune system, reduction of serum cholesterol, cancer prevention, treatment of irritable bowel-associated diarrhoeas, antihypertensive effects as well as improvement of lactose metabolism (Saarela et al. 2000; Nagpal et al. 2012) . (information source)