Helps to balance diabetes levels, support healthy glucose levels
Diabetes is a non-communicable metabolic disease characterized by chronic hyperglycemia. It has become the third epidemic following cardiovascular diseases and tumors. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) reported 463 million diabetic adults worldwide, and this figure is projected to reach 700 million by 2045. As the demand for and use of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) continues to rise globally, remarkable antidiabetic effects and safety of TCM products have been reported. Severe or persistent hyperglycemia-induced a series of diabetic complications cannot be ameliorated by antidiabetic agents, let alone their adverse side effects, including hypoglycemia, gastrointestinal reactions, liver damage, and lactic acidosis. All these raise concerns over their safety and efficacy in diabetic patients. (information source)
Each package contains: 60 herbal capsules.
Recommended use: One capsule twice to 6 times a day, depends on levels of diabetes.
Gluco-Treat Benefits
Alleviates hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycaemia in diabetic and obese rat models.
Contribute to the amelioration of obesity, because obesity is closely related to dyslipidemia and inflammation.
Avoids development and progression of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
Diabetes category and frequency vary depending on the severity of the symptoms.
Some patients with diabetes are asymptomatic, particularly patients with type 2 diabetes during the initial periods of illness whereas others have noticeable hyperglycemia.
Uncontrolled and unmonitored diabetes can lead to stupor, coma and even death if kept untreated because of ketoacidosis or rare nonketotic hyperosmolar disorders. The development of diabetes may include the interaction of genetic and non-genetic factors.

Despite diabetes classification being crucial and having repercussions for treatment policies, this is somehow ambiguous and many diabetic individuals do not easily accommodate into one class, exclusively younger adults and 10% of the initially classified patients can need revision afterward.
The standard classification of diabetes as type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) as introduced by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) in 1997 remains the best accepted and adopted by ADA. Currently, there are many antidiabetic drugs available in the market to treat hyperglycemia which notably works via improvement of insulin sensitivity, complementing insulin, upraising insulin secretion and stimulating glucose uptake.
But metformin and sulfonylureas type antidiabetic drugs are compromised with several unwanted side effects such as diarrhea and lactic acidosis (demonstrated by metformin) and hepatic failure, weight gain, tachycardia and hypothyroidism (demonstrated by sulfonylureas). Plant is always considered as one of the most reliable sources of curing agents of diseases and many of those synthetic drugs are either directly or indirectly derived from them. Plants and plant products can exert promising antidiabetic efficacy based on recent studies.
Plant sources of antidiabetic agents are very much popular from the ancient era as they are relatively safer and much cheaper alternatives than synthetic drugs and are also mentioned in many folkloric medicines including the Indian, Korean and Chinese culture.
Traditional herbal medicines and functional foods are believed to ameliorate diabetic syndromes via six notable mechanism of actions including enhanced insulin secretion and sensitivity, glucose uptake by muscle cells and adipose tissues and inhibition of glucose absorption from intestine and glucose production from hepatocytes along with demonstrating anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, functional foods and phytotherapies are becoming popular across the world day by day. (information source)
Gluco-Treat Ingredients
Gentiana (As a rich source of swertimarine)
Gentiana species: lutea, macrophylla, rigescens, and scabra are known to protect and enhance hepatocyte viability via their antioxidant, antiinflammatory and bitter components including: amarogentin gentianine, iso-orientin, swertiamarin, gentiopicroside, and sweroside. (From the research "HEPATOPROTECTIVE PROPERTIES OF GENTIANA SPP. AGAINST NON-ALCOHOLIC FATTY LIVER DISEASE (NAFLD)" by Anthony Osei Boateng)
The role of Iranian and Muslim physicians in the development and progress of medicine is significant and is highlighted in the evolution of medicine. Al-Razi and Avicenna (Fig. 1) were the two famous Persian philosophers and physicians that owning different medical masterpieces such as Al-Hawi and Al-Qanun. The contents of the mentioned books are based on their own observations and their scientific experiments. These texts established the basis of medical theory and they were comprehensive sources which guided scholars in the past decades.
Gentianaceae are the third largest family of Gentianales, with Apocynaceae and particularly Rubiaceae being considerably more species-rich. Gentianaceae includes 1700 species in 91 genera with a great diversity of habitats, morphology and ecology. Gentiana is the largest genus of Gentianaceae family with more than 400 species. Numerous species within Gentianaceae family have ornamental value, especially the species belonging to the Gentiana genus, and also present pharmaceutical interest due to its interesting phytochemical properties. Based on the Iranian traditional medicine texts Gentian's species have different therapeutic properties which are related to the root of the plant. Treatment of urinary retention, menstrual, liver and spleen dysfunctions and detoxifying of animal poisons are the main and common properties among the texts. Drinking the Gentian extraction prepared by macerating grinded root in water was beneficial for treatment of inflammation and swelling of liver, spleen, stomach, muscle weakness and sprains, and also for treatment of amenorrhea and urinary retention. According to the Avicenna, Gentiana is one of the medicinal plants that relive the hepatic obstruction. Drugs which possess property of astringent, diuresis and open obstruction such as G. olivieri and the others have been advised that they are strongly effective in liver diseases. (information source)
Seco-iridoid glycoside, specifically swertiamarin, has received extensive interest in recent years due to its abundant occurrence in medicinal plants and the fact that it possesses many beneficial pharmacological properties. It is mainly obtained from Enicostemma species that belong to the Gentianaceae family. Compared to other seco-iridoid glycosides isolated from medicinal plants, swertiamarin has been found to possess multifunctional properties, including analgesic, antiinflammatory, antiarthritis, hepatoprotective, antidiabetic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticancer, neuroprotective and gastroprotective properties. Swertiamarin modulates a wide range of molecular targets, including inflammatory cytokines, transcription factors, protein kinases, growth factors, apoptosis-related proteins, receptors, and enzymes and their signaling pathways, in various pathological conditions.
(information source)
Bitter Melon (Momordica Charnatia)
Momordica charantia, also known as bitter melon, is a traditional plant used for the treatment of Diabetes mellitus (DM) among the indigenous populations of Asia, East Africa, India, South America, and the Caribbean. There are a number of active ingredients such as charantin, insulin-like peptide, cucurbitane glycosides, momordicin, and oleanolic acids that are reported to be present in M. charantia. (information source)
The exact mechanism of M. charantia is unknown; however, the active components charatin, vicine and polypeptide p is thought to be structurally similar to human insulin. Thus, some of the proposed mechanism of M. charantia includes insulin-like effects, increased insulin secretion, tissue glucose uptake, liver muscle glycogen synthesis and decrease glucose absorption.
(information source)
Dwarf Lilyturf (Ophiopogon Japonica)
Ophiopogon japonicus is widely distributed in Southeast Asia, and its radix is the primary medical portion that has been used as a traditional Chinese medicine to treat diabetes and cardiovascular diseases for thousands of years. (information source)
Overall, O. japonicus tubers are full of nutritional compounds and have good α glucosidase inhibitory and antioxidant activities. O. japonicus tubers are rich in carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, and amino acids. O. japonicus tubers exhibited excellent α-glucosidase inhibitory and antioxidant activities. (information source)
Kudzu Vine (Pueraria Lobata)
Pueraria lobata is one of the traditional Chinese medicinal and edible plants, playing roles in improving the cardiovascular system, lowering blood sugar, antiinflammation, anti-oxidation, and so on. Studies on the hypoglycemic effects of Pueraria lobata were also frequently reported. (information source)
Radix Puerariae (RP) is a powerful healing herb (sweet and cool) widely used in ancient China. According to Sheng Nong’s Herbal Classic during the Han Dynasty, it has the effects of relieving restless thirst, vomiting, and stiffness, and pain in joints and clearing internal heat by enriching yin. Thus, various toxicity is relieved. It also has the action of reducing fever, producing fluid, and relieving diarrhea due to spleen deficiency. RP has been reported for diabetes treatment for two thousand years, as evidenced by ancient records regarding TCMs pill for restless thirst. Overall, RPrelated TCMs for hyperglycemia frequently used in ancient China showed a good effect on diabetes and its complications. Puerarin has been shown to exert antidiabetic effects of reducing blood glucose and improving diabetes complications in patients. It has been proven to promote β-cell neogenesis and inhibit apoptosis, enhance the insulin receptor signaling, boost glucose transport and uptake, and suppress hepatic gluconeogenesis through multiple approaches. (information source)
Chinese Foxglove Root (Rehmannia Glutinosa)
Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch. is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb and noted in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as a drug with nourishing effect of the body, especially for the growth, development, and well-being of the body. It has been used in many recipes in the treatment of diabetes mellitus for thousands of years. (information source)
Rehmannia glutinosa can effectively enhance the body immunity, reduce blood sugar levels, and protect the renal function by Traditional Chinese medicine theory, which is a commonly used for treatment of type 2 diabetes. (information source)
Diabetes often leads to the vascular complications of coronary artery disease and cerebrovascular disease and can cause renal failure, blindness, limb amputation, neurological complications, and premature death. With rapid therapeutic advancements, novel treatments with fewer side effects have become more feasible for long-term management of this disorder. Rehmannia glutinosa (Di Huang) is a widely used herb in Chinese medicine (CM) that belongs to the Scrophu-lariaceae family. It has a high medicinal value and is taken to nourish yin and invigorate the kidney in CM. R. glu-tinosa is often used to treat xiao ke, both xiao ke and diabetes patients experience the “3Ps”: polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia (increased thirst), and polyphagia (increased hunger). (Zhu et al. Chin Med (2016))
Adlay seed (Coix Lacryma)
Insulin resistance, resulting from long-term, sustained hyperglycemia, leading to impaired insulin-stimulated glucose utilization and glycogen synthesis, is the key pathogenic feature of metabolic syndrome and is now regarded as the most common risk factor for the development and progression of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is common worldwide and closely associated with metabolic dysfunction. NAFLD leads to a higher risk of development of severe liver diseases, such as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), liver cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). To date, no pharmacotherapy targeting NAFLD has received general approval. Adlay is a plant that has been used as traditional herbal medicine in Asia and is a promising candidate to solve this global issue. Adlay (Coix lacryma-jobi L.), also called Jobs tears or Chinese pearl barley, is a medicinal plant which has been grown widely in Taiwan, China, and Japan. Adlay has been served as nourishing food and used in traditional Chinese medicine for many years for the treatment with inflammatory diseases, warts, neuralgia, and neoplastic diseases. A number of studies have shown several physiological effects of adlay and its biologically active components on various parts of the plant. Adlay seeds are the major medicinal part and contain a range of bioactive ingredients, such as polysaccharides, coixol, proteins, lipids, and polyphenols. Several studies have demonstrated that adlay seeds have anti-inflammatory activity, hypoglycemic activity, the ability to decrease the amount of lipid components in the serum, hypocholesterolemic activity, and other beneficial effects on humans. However, as far as we know, little is known about the effect of supplementation with extracts of adlay seeds on dietary fat-induced metabolic syndromes and NAFLD. (information source)
Adlay has biological processes and functions such as anticancer capacity, antioxidation, and immune modulation based on recent epidemiological studies. It has a substantial antihypertensive impact and could be an excellent natural constituent of antihypertensive and related disorders. (From the article Network based analysis on pharmacological mechanisms underlying the antidiabetic property of Coix lacryma-jobi)
Propolis is a natural product with many biological properties including hypoglycemic activity and modulating lipid profile. Propolis is a natural resinous hive product that honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) collect from various plant sources. They mix it with both their salivary gland enzymes and wax, and then use it to seal holes in their honeycombs, smoothing out internal walls and protecting the entrance against intruders. It has been used in traditional medicine, all over the world, and dates back to at least 300 BC, due to its distinctive biological and antioxidant properties. Many studies have established the vast biological and pharmacological properties of propolis. The following medicinal properties have been found: antimicrobial, immunomudulatory, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, antifungal, and having hepatoprotective, nephroprotective and pancreatoprotective activities. Furthermore, recent studies have revealed that propolis affects hypoglycemic activity, which may positively impact diabetic complications. It also modulates the metabolism of blood lipid levels which leads to a decrease in lipid peroxidation and scavenges the free radicals. The broad spectrum of biological activity, safety, and longstanding usage makes propolis a potentially useful clinical drug. (information source)
Propolis remains popular in over the counter medicine for its antioxidant and anti inflammatory effects. Successful uses of propolis include mouth wash, throat sprays, cough medicine, wound healing in diabetic foot ulcers and topical applications for acne vulgaris. Currently, China is the world’s greatest producer and exporter with strong research showing its anti-inflammatory effects in animal models. Today, propolis is known to be high in flavonoid content, a substance originating from plants, which has been found to inhibit the production of nitric oxide (NO), IL-1 & IL-6. Propolis possesses strong anti-inflammatory function. It can directly influence a decrease in proinflammatory cytokines. Most studies are concordant that propolis elicits an improvement impact on inflammation, and it can decrease TNF levels. (information source)