An inner detox natural supplement -
Detoxification Support
The body has many elegant mechanisms for eliminating potentially harmful compounds.
Metabolic detoxification refers to the pathways by which the body processes and removes harmful compounds.
Each package contains: 120 vegicaps.
Recommended use: Two capsule, twice a day.
Du-Tox Benefits
Certainly a universal intestinal sorbent, which is capable of binding and removing harmful toxins, slags, poisons, metal salts, radioactive isotopes, cholesterol, particles with allergenic action and many other substances that are not necessary for humans without harm to the body.
Various diseases associated with the work of the digestive tract (both acute and chronic), in which one of the symptoms is diarrhea.
Intoxication of the body, taking place in acute and chronic form.
Acute poisoning with food, chemicals and harmful fumes, poisons, alcohol, drugs (overdose or intolerance of the drug), heavy metals.
Foodborne diseases.
Allergies, including reactions of intolerance to medications and food.
Abstinence syndrome with alcohol abuse.
Dysbacteriosis of the intestine, manifested as diarrhea.
Chronic pyelonephritis and its complication in the form of development of renal failure.
Liver pathologies associated with insufficient performance of its functions, which is observed with cirrhosis, viral hepatitis.
Infected wounds and burns, characterized by the formation of toxic necrotic masses .
Pathologies associated with bacterial infection (typhoid fever, dysentery, salmonellosis, etc.).
Toxicosis of pregnant women, especially severe its stage - gestosis.
Inflammatory reactions after surgery.
Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity (inflammation of the gums, pustules on the mucosa, etc.).
Bacterial-inflammatory and fungal pathologies in gynecological practice. o The purifying effect of this drug makes it useful in correcting weight and getting rid of acne.
The use of "Polyphepan" for the purification of the body is also advisable to improve the therapeutic effect of taking medications, the assimilation of which in the gastrointestinal tract occurs more quickly and in full.
Supports liver detoxification.
May reduce estrogen levels.
Potentially inhibits some types of cancer.
Helps maintain already healthy cholesterol levels.
Calcium D-Glucarate benefits:
Supports the body’s cleaning system.
Helps maintain already-healthy cholesterol levels.
Promotes a healthy inflammatory response.
Provides healthy detoxification support.
Promotes normal cell division.
Plant Powered Detoxification Support.
D-glucarate helps support effective and healthy detoxification.
What is Metabolic Detoxification?
Metabolic detoxification, within the context of this protocol, is the pathway by which the body processes unwanted chemicals for elimination. The body metabolizes xenobiotics (foreign chemicals) and unnecessary endobiotics (endogenously produced chemicals) so they can be excreted. Excess hormones, environmental toxicants, and prescription drugs are all cleared via the same enzymatic detoxification systems.
Metabolic detoxification is therefore essential for protecting the body from environmental factors and maintaining internal homeostasis. Natural interventions, such as B vitamins and sulforaphane, may help support detoxification pathways by promoting the activity of essential enzymes.
Detoxification ("detox") has broad connotations ranging from the spiritual to the scientific and has been used to describe practices and protocols that embrace both complementary (fasting, colonic cleaning) and conventional (chelation or antitoxin therapy) schools of medical thought— as well as some that push the boundaries of scientific plausibility (such as ionic foot detoxification).

In the context of human biochemistry (and this protocol), detoxification can be described with much more precision; here it refers to a specific metabolic pathway, active throughout the human body, that processes unwanted chemicals for elimination. This pathway (which will be referred to as metabolic detoxification) involves a series of enzymatic reactions that neutralize and solubilize toxins, and transport them to secretory organs (like the liver or kidneys), so that they can be excreted from the body. This type of detoxification is sometimes called xenobiotic metabolism, because it is the primary mechanism for ridding the body of xenobiotics (foreign chemicals); however, detoxification reactions are frequently used to prepare unneeded endobiotics (endogenously-produced chemicals) for excretion from the body.
Excess hormones, vitamins, inflammatory molecules, and signaling compounds, amongst others, are typically eliminated from the body by the same enzymatic detoxification systems that protect the body from environmental toxins, or clear prescription drugs from circulation. Metabolic detoxification reactions, therefore, are not only important for protection from the environment, but central to homeostatic balance in the body. (information source)
Being sessile organisms, plants are constantly exposed during their life cycle to adverse environmental conditions that negatively affect growth, development, or productivity. The presence of toxic compounds, such as heavy metals (HMs), is one important factor that can cause damage to plants by altering major plant physiological and metabolic processes. The numerous deleterious health effect upon exposure to toxic HMs in the environment is a matter of serious concern and a global issue.
(Taken from the Review Article "Molecular Mechanism of Heavy Metal Toxicity and Tolerance in Plants: Central Role of Glutathione in Detoxification of Reactive Oxygen Species and Methylglyoxal and in Heavy Metal Chelation").
Du-Tox Ingredients
"Polyphepan", which many use for prophylactic purification of the body and losing weight, is a preparation from inexpensive but sufficiently effective enterosorbents. It can be considered with great certainty a universal intestinal sorbent, which is capable of binding and removing harmful toxins, slags, poisons, metal salts, radioactive isotopes, cholesterol, particles with allergenic action and many other substances that are not necessary for humans without harm to the body.
Due to its ability to remove toxic substances of various nature from the body, the detoxification effect of the drug is carried out. Thus, by purifying the body of harmful substances, "Polyphepan" improves the health of patients, incidentally normalizing the various physiological processes that constantly occur in our body.
The drug helps to remove from the gastrointestinal tract not only the toxins that form in the process of vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms, but also the bacteria themselves, fungi and viruses, preventing their entry into the blood and lymph. So, not only the work of the intestine improves, but also the functioning of other organs, such as the liver, kidneys, lungs.
The popularity of the use of the preparation "Polyphepan" for the purification of the organism does not detract from its value as a medicinal product in the following pathologies:
Various diseases associated with the work of the digestive tract (both acute and chronic), in which one of the symptoms is diarrhea
Intoxication of the body, taking place in acute and chronic form
Acute poisoning with food, chemicals and harmful fumes, poisons, alcohol, drugs (overdose or intolerance of the drug), heavy metals
Foodborne diseases
Allergies, including reactions of intolerance to medications and food
Abstinence syndrome with alcohol abuse
Dysbacteriosis of the intestine, manifested as diarrhea
Chronic pyelonephritis and its complication in the form of development of renal failure
Liver pathologies associated with insufficient performance of its functions, which is observed with cirrhosis, viral hepatitis.
Infected wounds and burns, characterized by the formation of toxic necrotic masses
Pathologies associated with bacterial infection (typhoid fever, dysentery, salmonellosis, etc.)
Toxicosis of pregnant women, especially severe its stage - gestosis.
Inflammatory reactions after surgery.
Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity (inflammation of the gums, pustules on the mucosa, etc.)
Bacterial-inflammatory and fungal pathologies in gynecological practice.
The purifying effect of this drug makes it useful in correcting weight and getting rid of acne.
The use of "Polyphepan" for the purification of the body is also advisable to improve the therapeutic effect of taking medications, the assimilation of which in the gastrointestinal tract occurs more quickly and in full.
Lignin (Derived from Lactofiltrum)
Lignin hydrolysed – has a high sorbtion capacity, and binds and removes allergens, mediators, products of allergic reaction, metabolites, toxins, and active peroxides compounds from the intestine. It has reparative properties and does not harm intestinal mucosa as it is non-toxic, non-absorbable, and is completely excreted from the intestine within 24 h. The impact of sorbent could enhance the lactulose prebiotic action and lead to weakening and eliminating of ADʼ clinical manifestations. (information source)
Calcium D- Glucoronate
Calcium D-glucarate is a supplemental form of glucaric acid, an important naturally occurring chemical that helps remove toxins and unneeded hormones from the body. Calcium D-glucarate is a supplement that is made by combining calcium and d-glucaric acid. Glucaric acid is a naturally occurring substance that is produced by our body, in small amounts, and aids our body’s detoxification of environmental toxins, hormones (like estrogen), cancer causing agents, and metabolic waste generated within the body. While you make a small amount of glucaric acid, you also consume it in your diet. Glucaric acid is found in the highest amount in apples, oranges, and cruciferous vegetables (think broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage). Oral calcium d-glucarate supplementation has been shown to prevent the body from reabsorbing and recycling hormones and harmful environmental toxins. It does this by supporting increased glucuronidation (phase 2 liver detoxification) and inhibiting beta-glucuronidase, which facilitate the secretion of potentially harmful compounds and hormones.
Health benefits of calcium D-glucarate include:
Supports liver detoxification
May reduce estrogen levels
Potentially inhibits some types of cancer
Helps maintain already healthy cholesterol levels