CRV Protector
Treating and preventing blockade and narrowing of blood vessels (vascular system and heart)
Heart Disease is actually a number of diseases that relate to the heart or blood vessels connected to it. This includes Angina, Heart Failure, Diseased Heart Valves and Ischaemic or Coronary Heart Disease. Two of the biggest causes of death round the world are Heart and Cardio Vascular Disease. The latter has decreased over the last 20 years in developed countries, owing to better diet and lifestyle choices. But Heart Disease has increased in poor and medium income countries, mainly due to poor diet, too much junk food and smoking. The cause of these diseases isChronic Inflammation, brought about by factors such as poor diet and nutrition, smoking, stress and too much sugar in food and drinks.
Each package contains: 120 vegicaps.
Recommended use: Two capsule, twice a day.
CRV Protector Benefits
Dissolves only non-living tissues such as blood clot, cysts, plaque, and also can prevent inflammation and reduce pain.
Induces fibrinolytic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edemic activity in a number of tissues, and that its anti-inflammatory effects.
Dissolves only dead tissues such as the old fibrous layers that clog the lining of our arteries and dangerously restrict the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain.
Is extremely useful in keeping arterial deposits from building up again after angioplasty or coronary bypass surgery has been performed.
Lower the elevated levels of liver enzymes, bilirubin, triglycerides, and liver cholesterol. It also increased the total antioxidant capacity of the liver.
Increasing the antioxidative capacity of the body and modifying certain genes involved in glucose and fat metabolism.
Production of the endothelium-derived relaxing factor nitric oxide (NO), which is involved in regulatory mechanisms of the cardiovascular system.
Decrease blood viscosity, inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzyme, stimulation of fibrinolysis.
This herbal medication has been reported to have cardiovascular benefits, such as vasorelaxant activity, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibiting activity, and the ability to enhance the microcirculation by increasing capillary permeability. Moreover, effects on the immune system and modulation of nitrogen monoxide metabolism have been reported.
Decreases histamine release from mast cells, and inhibits pro-inflammatory cytokine actions.
Heart Disease is actually a number of diseases that relate to the heart or blood vessels connected to it. This includes Angina, Heart Failure, Diseased Heart Valves and Ischaemic or Coronary Heart Disease.
Two of the biggest causes of death round the world are Heart and Cardio Vascular Disease. The latter has decreased over the last 20 years in developed countries, owing to better diet and lifestyle choices. But Heart Disease has increased in poor and medium income countries, mainly due to poor diet, too much junk food and smoking. The cause of these diseases isChronic Inflammation, brought about by factors such as poor diet and nutrition, smoking, stress and too much sugar in food and drinks.
When we hear the term "heart disease”, we usually think of coronary artery disease where plaque builds up in the arteries. This is also known as atherosclerosis or "hardening of the arteries”. The symptoms are when the walls of the arteries become stiff and brittle. As the disease progresses, the arteries become clogged with plaque. This causes them to become progressively narrower. Blood pressure rises and the heart works harder. Eventually, as the blood flow is sufficiently reduced this results in a heart attack.nAvoiding a heart attack is of course critically important.
So, what can we do to avoid this?

CRV Protector Ingredients
Many people in Western societies are suffering from poor blood circulation and cardiovascular deficiency, due to sinking of fat, cholesterol, cell waste, calcium and clotting substance in inner layers of arteries, or other illness as high blood pressure, Diabetes, cornice inflammation and more. Homeotreat Lab, natural health products, bring to you the CRV-Protector, a unique supplement based on serrapeptase, proteolytic enzyme, that dissolves only non-living tissues such as blood clot, cysts, plaque, and also can prevent inflammation and reduce pain.
Clinical studies throughout Europe and Asia show that serrapeptase induces fibrinolytic, antiinflammatory and anti-edemic activity in a number of tissues, and that its anti-inflammatory effects are superior to other proteolytic enzymes. Besides reducing inflammation, one of serrapeptase's most profound benefits is reduction of pain, due to its ability to block the release of pain- inducing amines from inflamed tissues. The astonishing fact is that, unlike other biological enzymes, Serrapeptase affects only non-living tissue. Serrapeptase dissolves only dead tissues such as the old fibrous layers that clog the lining of our arteries and dangerously restrict the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. Because of this, Serrapeptase is extremely useful in keeping arterial deposits from building up again after angioplasty or coronary bypass surgery has been performed. Serratiopeptidase has been used by healthcare professionals in Japan and Europe for therapeutic applications for decades. Recently the clinical use of serratiopeptidase alone or in combination with other drugs is increasing worldwide.Serratiopeptidase as an anti-inflammatory agent: Inflammation serves as a defense mechanism against injury and infection. Inflammation is considered to be the cleaning process of the body leading to maintenance of homeostasis. Serratiopeptidase as an antibiofilm agent.
Anethum graveolens (Dill)
Dill has two types of antioxidants: monoterpenes, including carvone, limonene, and anethofuran, and flavonoids, including kaempferol, quercetin, and Isorhamnetin, which offer myriad health benefits. Here are the health benefits of dill:
1. Improves Digestion - Dill can also work as a mouth freshener. Being a carminative, it can tackle bad breath caused by indigestion and GERD.
2. Protects The Stomach Lining. The study used dill seed extracts in water and ethanol. The water extract was more powerful than the ethanol extract. While a dill seed tea may not be as powerful as the concentrated extract, it might still have a soothing effect on the stomach.
3. Relieves Pain And Makes Periods Regular - Dill has been traditionally used for feminine problems like dysmenorrhea or painful periods. Research finds that this could be attributed to a chemical called apiole, which is a known emmenagogue or menstruation inducer.
4. Can Reduce Labor Pain - Because of its pain-relieving property, dill can also reduce the duration of labor pain and of the active phase in the first stage of labor. This is why it is used in Iran to induce labor in term pregnancies.
5. May Enhance Breast Milk Production
6. Protects Against Oxidative Damage - Dill weed has antioxidants, such as vitamin C, betacarotene, quercetin, and kaempferol, that help it fight free radicals. Free radicals are reactive chemicals generated in the body during natural metabolic processes as well as due to exposure to environmental toxins. These oxidize cell walls and damage DNA and cell proteins, leading to a number of inflammatory conditions like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and cancer.
7. Helps Fight Infections - Researchers attribute the antimicrobial property of dill to a chemical called furanocoumarin.20 The essential oil derived from dill seeds and various types of seed extracts are also effective against several disease-causing bacterial strains, including Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, andSalmonella typhii. The essential oil of the seed is especially effective against the fungus Candida albicans.
8. Lowers Total Cholesterol - The leaves are used in Iran as an antihypercholesterolemic. Studies show mixed results. In a study on mice with damaged liver, dill was found to lower the elevated levels of liver enzymes, bilirubin, triglycerides, and liver cholesterol. It also increased the total antioxidant capacity of the liver.23 A healthy liver makes for balanced cholesterol levels.
9. Prevents And Fights Type 2 Diabetes - Dill has also been used in Asian traditional medicine to lower blood glucose, and with some reason. It works by increasing the antioxidative capacity of the body and modifying certain genes involved in glucose and fat metabolism.
10. May Tackle Depression - The word dill is derived from the Norse word dilla, which means to lull or soothe. It is known to have a calming effect, possibly because of its antioxidant flavonoids, other polyphenols, and tannins. Dill may even help you battle depression. In a rat study, the water extract of dill weed was as effective in reducing depression and pain as two standard drugs, sertraline and tramadol, but without side effects.29
11. May Treat Epilepsy - Preliminary studies on animal models of epilepsy have shown that water extract of dill leaves can delay the onset of seizures and reduce the duration of each episode. Researchers attribute this to terpenoids such as carvone and limonene, which block inflammatory mediators that trigger seizures.30 While dill shows promise as an alternative for standard anticonvulsant drugs which have multiple side effects, clinical trials are required to understand its effect in human patients.
12. May Improve Sleep - Traditionally, dill has been used as a sedative. While no studies have been conducted on the sleep-inducing effects of dill, it has been part of home remedies for sleeplessness. Some cultures stuff dill leaves into the pillow for restful sleep. In Holland, dill is mixed with milk to induce sleep. You may boil 1 tablespoon of dill seeds or a spoonful of freshly chopped dill leaves to make a calming tea before bed. Dill essential oil can also be mixed with other calming essential oils like lavendar and valerian in an infuser for a good night’s sleep.
13. May Prevent Cancer - While dill itself has not been studied for its efficacy in preventing cancer, researchers feel it has potential. Carvone and anethofuran in dill can increase the removal of toxins from the body by almost doubling the glutathione-s-transferase enzyme in the liver as well as in other parts of the GI tract. GST is a major detoxifying enzyme that helps attach glutathione to free radicals. Since glutathione is vital in maintaining the oxidation balance within cells and in protecting cells against free radical damage, elevated levels of both glutathione and GST mean stronger protection against toxins, including carcinogens.31 In fact, scientists have synthesized a compound called glaziovianin A (GVA) using a precursor from dill and parsley seeds. GVA was then used on melanoma cancer cells in an in vitro study, where it arrested the growth of the cancer cells without damaging the surrounding normal cells.32
(information source)
L-Arginine, a conditionally essential amino acid, is the main substrate of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) family enzymes and is responsible for the production of the endothelium-derived relaxing factor nitric oxide (NO), which is involved in regulatory mechanisms of the cardiovascular system . The body sources of L-arginine include dietary protein, endogenous synthesis and proteins turnover; endogenous synthesis of L-arginine in healthy adults is sufficient, however in some states such human growth stages, catabolic stress, and dysfunction of the small intestine or kidney, Larginine is classified as a conditional amino acid, because under such conditions the endogenous synthesis of L-arginine is not sufficient to meet the human body requirement fo L-arginine . Additionally, L-arginine has a number of direct effects on endothelial functions via antioxidant activity, decrease blood viscosity, inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzyme, stimulation of fibrinolysis, and some hormones such as glucagon, prolactine and growth hormone . It has been indicated that any defect in L-arginine metabolism such as increased levels of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), a competitive inhibitor of NO synthase, are related to endothelial dysfunction and increased risk of cardiovascular disease. (information source)
Ocimum basilicum
Chronic arterial hypertension (AH) alters the structure of the cerebral vasculature; thus, the vasoregulatory mechanisms controlled by a functional endothelium are also disrupted. Blood supply to the brain decreases and also increases the susceptibility of this organ to ischemic injury, which causes neuronal death and loss of synapses in regions involved in learning and memory processes. An important element in the pathophysiology of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is the over-activation of the renin angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS). One of the main consequences of this altered mechanism is the sustained production of angiotensin II (AGII), one of the final products and the main mediator of this system. The increase in AGII first generates AH, but also induces damage and vascular remodeling, including sustained vasoconstriction, oxidative stress, the inflammatory process, the pro-coagulant state, and cell proliferation.
The main objective of treatment against hypertension is not only to reduce blood pressure levels, but also to reduce vascular risk in general. In the present work, administering angiotensin II (AGII; 0.2 µg/kg intraperitoneally (i.p.) for 12 weeks) activates the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis, which caused an increase in corticosterone levels, as well as in proinflammatory cytokines (interleukin 1β (IL-1β), interleukin 6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α)) and macrophage chemotactic protein 1 (MCP-1), and decreased anti-inflammatory cytokines (interleukin 10 (IL-10) and interleukin 4 (IL-4)). On observing the behavior in the different models, an anxiogenic effect (elevated plus maze (EPM)) and cognitive impairment (water Morris maze (WMM)) was observed in animals with AGII. By administering organic extracts from Ocimum basilicum (Oba-EtOAc) and Ocimum selloi(Ose-EtOAc), and some doses of rosmarinic acid (RA) (6 weeks per os (p.o.)), the damage caused by AGII was stopped by re-establishing corticosterone serum levels and by decreasing the proinflammatory cytokines and MCP-1. For O. basillicum, there is experimental evidence that contributes to the knowledge of how this plant species may be exerting its protective effect against the actions of AGII.
It was shown that it is capable of strongly protecting the myocardium against isoproterenol-induced infarction and suggests that the cardioprotective effects could be related to antioxidative activities. Umar et al. report that the crude extract of O. basilicum (100–400 mg/kg) decreased the blood pressure (BP) level in rat in a dose-dependent manner. It was also reported to cause a vasorelaxant effect in rat aortic rings, though the mechanism for this relaxation was not determined. Perhaps one potential action mode could be due to sweet basil’s potent ROS scavenging ability. (information source)
Pinus Sylvestris
In everyday life, our body generates free radicals and other reactive oxygen species which are derived either from the endogenous metabolic processes (within the body) or from external sources. Many clinical and pharmacological studies suggest that natural antioxidants can prevent oxidative damage. Among the natural antioxidant products, Pycnogenol® (French Pinus pinaster bark extract) has been received considerable attention because of its strong free radicalscavenging activity against reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. P. pinaster bark extract (PBE) contains polyphenolic compounds (these compounds consist of catechin, taxifolin, procyanidins of various chain lengths formed by catechin and epicatechin units, and phenolic acids) capable of producing diverse potentially protective effects against chronic and degenerative diseases. This herbal medication has been reported to have cardiovascular benefits, such as vasorelaxant activity, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibiting activity, and the ability to enhance the microcirculation by increasing capillary permeability. Moreover, effects on the immune system and modulation of nitrogen monoxide metabolism have been reported.
Herbal supplements and remedies have been used around the world because of their beneficial effects on human health. Pycnogenol, a standardized extract of the bark of the French P. pinaster (Pinus pinaster Ait. Subsp. atlantica), has been used worldwide as a herbal remedy, nutrition and supplemental food in many kinds of degenerative diseases. Bark extract of French P. pinaster has been reported to have cardio-vascular and cholesterol lowering benefits, the ability to enhance microcirculation by increasing capillary permeability, significant free radical scavenging activity against reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, the potential to regenerate the ascorbyl radical and to protect endogenous vitamin E and glutathione from oxidative stress, and the potential to protect erythrocytes in G6PD deficiency. It also protects the nerve cells against betaamyloid, or glutamate induced toxicity, accelerates wound healing processes, reduces scar formation, decreases histamine release from mast cells, and inhibits pro-inflammatory cytokine actions. Anti-inflammatory effects in asthma patients and reduction of attention-deficit disorder and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in children have been observed. (information source)