Special D
Optimal formula for vitamin D absorption:
Vitamin D is a vitamin with many and varied abilities to help the human body in different ways: For bone strength and bone building by using the calcium available from the bloodstream: In people with low levels of vitamin D, the bones become brittle and prone to softening (in children), osteomyelitis and osteoporosis (in adults). Vitamin D deficiency causes local inflammation in the joints of vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency Leads to calcium deficiency, because we need adequate levels of vitamin D to absorb calcium in food. Severe vitamin D deficiency can lead to bone diseases such as rickets in children and osteomyelitis in adults. Meanwhile, the bone structure is lost, resulting in experiencing pain and soft bones. Osteoporosis (calcium leakage) also leads to weakening of the bones and can lead to fractures. (information source)
Each package contains: 60 vegicaps.
Recommended use: One capsule a day.
Special D Benefits
Beyond all the activity of vitamin D in the body, the outstanding advantage of the special D preparation is the delivery of the vitamin in an available form to the body, which causes an immediate increase in vitamin D.

Vitamin D is essential for bone health: mainly stimulates the absorption of calcium from the intestine, the deficiency of which can lead to secondary hyperparathyroidism and bone loss. (information source)
● The digestive system:
Vitamin D deficiency occurs in 40-60% of patients with various intestinal disorders, including celiac disease, short bowel syndrome, cystic fibrosis, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. In addition, up to 70% of patients with acute or chronic pancreatitis develop vitamin D deficiency. (information source)
Vitamin D supplementation may reduce the risk of developing irritable bowel syndrome (IBD), and support those with active IBD by reducing intestinal inflammation and supporting the immune system. (information source)
● Crohn's disease (CD) and colitis are chronic inflammatory bowel diseases characterized by areas that are discontinuously affected with trans-moral granulomatous and / or fistula inflammation, and can affect any area of the gastrointestinal tract, from the mouth to the anus, but are more likely to involve the gut, the thin and coarse (especially the ileocecum) and the perianal region. Vitamin D causes the immune response to interfere with bacterial activity, introducing antigen and adaptive and innate immune regulation. Therefore, vitamin D may affect the incidence and progression of CD and colitis. (information source)

● Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease caused by ingesting foods that contain gluten (gliadin). Celiac disease is usually diagnosed in childhood. Celiac disease, which begins cunningly in adults, is rarely seen during childbirth. Studies show that vitamin D deficiency occurs in 64% of men and 71% of women with celiac disease, making it a very common problem among those with celiac disease, although it is also common in the general population. The problem for those with celiac disease may be persistent malabsorption, or it may be a lack of sun exposure and insufficient dietary intake. These two can be aggravated due to the fact that unlike many regular cereal products that contain gluten, gluten-free foods are usually not enriched with additional vitamins and minerals. Due to the nature of the gluten-free diet and lack of sun exposure, there is a higher incidence of decreased vitamin D levels in the blood. (information source)
● The cardiovascular system:
Vitamin D is essential for maintaining proper activity of the heart muscle and endocrine system (responsible for type 2 diabetes). Low levels of vitamin D can lead to arterial stiffness, which contributes to heart failure, high blood pressure and stroke. Studies in humans show that vitamin D reduces arterial stiffness and blood pressure, and directly reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.(information source)
Studies show a dangerous link between low levels of vitamin D and heart failure, heart attacks and high blood pressure. (information source)
● Essential for the immune system:
Studies show that there is a direct link between a decrease in vitamin D levels and an increase in autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin D appears to play a role in the innate immune system and the inflammatory response. Vitamin D receptors are expressed throughout the immune system, and the positive effects of vitamin D on the immune system are well documented. (information source)
● Anti-cancer activity (at least for cancer of the lungs, prostate, skin, colon and pancreas.):
Vitamin D failure is associated with higher rates of cancer including colon, prostate and breast cancer. Vitamin D exhibits antiproliferative effects, cell differentiation and apoptosis in malignant cells, which may protect against breast, colon and prostate cancer. (information source)
● Helps treat lung disease, Vitamin D deficiency exacerbates asthma:
Studies have found an increased incidence of vitamin D deficiency in children with pneumonia. Researchers have found that vitamin D deficiency can cause people to become infected, which is why vitamin D is "labeled" as an antibiotic. If vitamin D deficiency is severe, it leads to chest wall deformity, hypotonia, atelectasis and fibrosis. All of these factors contribute to a higher incidence of pneumonia in children with severe vitamin D deficiency. (information source)
Vitamin D formed in tissues is responsible for many of the immune actions of vitamin D. The effects of vitamin D within the lungs include increased secretion of the antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin, decreased chemokine production, inhibition of dendritic cell activation and change in T cell activation ,Infection and development of lung diseases such as allergies and asthma. (information source)
Vitamin D lowers the chance of developing respiratory infections especially in those who suffer from low levels of the vitamin. In recent times when many people have contracted a virus that has attacked the world, people have reported respiratory infections. In tests performed during these years, the link between vitamin D deficiency and respiratory side effects after contracting the virus was discovered. (information source)
● Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common inherited genetic respiratory disorder in the Western world. Low levels of vitamin D are an almost universal condition in CF patients, probably due to a combination of insufficient absorption, poor metabolism and lack of sun exposure. Inadequate levels are associated with the high incidence of bone disease or osteoporosis in CF patients, associated with increased morbidity including fractures, kyphosis and exacerbation of pulmonary condition. (information source)
● Vitamin D is responsible for activating taste and smell receptors:
Vitamin D Deficiency In the last period in which the virus broke out, side effects of loss of taste and smell were observed for those suffering from vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D may play a significant role in the human olfactory system, and vitamin D deficiency may increase odor deficiency. In addition, vitamin D may also play a vital role in the human taste system, as taste deficiency has been found to be significantly associated with vitamin D mismatch. (information source)
● Helps against multiple sclerosis (lack of vitamin D causes the disease to appear and even worsens its symptoms):
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a common neurological disease. In people with multiple sclerosis, the body's immune system attacks the lining of nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord. The coating, made from a fatty protein called myelin, which insulates the nerves and helps them send electrical signals that control movement, speech and other functions. When myelin is attacked, inflammation interferes with the transmission of messages, an activity that appears on MRI as lesions, which look like white spots. (information source)
Several studies have shown that vitamin D levels are lower in MS patients than in controls. Vitamin D deficiency would predict the development of clear clinical MS. The association of disease activity with vitamin D levels in MS patients has been evaluated in several studies that have demonstrated a lower MS recurrence rate in patients with higher levels of vitamin D. (information source)
● Treatment for diabetes:
Lack of vitamin D increases the chance of developing two types of diabetes: 1 and 2. Low levels of vitamin D are also associated with cardiovascular risk factors such as obesity, diabetes and lipid disorders. (information source)
● Vitamin D deficiency increases the chance of high blood pressure:
Vitamin D supplementation significantly increases 25 (OH) D concentrations and appears to be beneficial in lowering blood pressure, especially in the elderly with high blood pressure and vitamin D deficiency. (information source)
● There is a direct link between vitamin D deficiency and depression:
depression is considered as a cause of significant disability, mortality and health expenses and the third cause of disability that affects about 840 million people worldwide. Many studies have suggested that taking vitamin D supplements may be considered a benefit for depressed patients with vitamin deficiencies. Many parts of the brain, especially the cerebral cortex, have vitamin D receptors. There are processes in the central nervous system in which vitamin D is involved including: neuroimmunity, regulation of neurotrophic factors, nerve protection, neuroplasticity and central nervous system (CNS) development are types of brain processes. This fact proves that vitamin D may be linked to depression and its supplementation may play a significant role in depression and its treatment. (information source)
● Vitamin D deficiency accelerates the onset of dementia and increased frequency of migraines:
Vitamin D is often called the "sun vitamin" because it is produced in the skin when exposed to sunlight. After synthesis in the skin, it passes through the lymphatic system to the liver and kidneys, where it becomes an active hormone. This hormone then circulates in the bloodstream and binds to vitamin D receptors in the brain. Experts believe that by linking to these receptors, the hormone vitamin D may regulate the release of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, melatonin and dopamine. And because vitamin D has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it helps protect the brain from the appearance of free radicals - a process that is closely linked to an increased risk for migraines. The link between migraines and serotonin is well established, and some antidepressants that increase serotonin levels are even prescribed to patients to prevent migraines. Moreover, the hormone vitamin D plays a significant role in the function and release of serotonin. This leads researchers to suggest that vitamin D supplements may reduce migraine headaches, especially in those with vitamin D deficiency. (information source)
Studies have found that vitamin D is involved in procognitive and neuroprotective functions, including reducing the hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease such as amyloid-beta and tau-phosphoryl. Cross-sectional studies have consistently found that vitamin D concentrations are significantly lower in people with Alzheimer's disease and cognitive disorders compared to health control groups. Longitudinal studies support a link between low vitamin D concentrations and an increased risk of dementia and cognitive decline. (information source)
● Vitamin D helps skin health:
Atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema is a chronic skin disease based on hereditary and environmental factors and is common in infants and children. Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin that occurs in 15% -25% of children and 3% of adults. Providing a vitamin D diet can improve the innate immune function of skin affected by atopic dermatitis. Vitamin D and its analogues play a role in the treatment of atopic dermatitis, vitiligo, psoriasis, acne and rosacea. (From the study Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Changes in the Severity of the Clinical Symptoms of Atopic Dermatitis.)
Vitamin D deficiency affects over a billion people (including children and adults) worldwide in various forms and ways. In principle, vitamin D taken through food or as a food supplement is not the active form of vitamin D so if in the body there are certain deficiencies, the vitamin D we consume through the digestive tract does not become the active form and therefore it is not absorbed within the cells. Therefore, for its absorption, VITAMIN D needs fat and bile acid to make it its active form. Many people do not have the gallbladder for various reasons, or the gallbladder isn't working properly. In this case, the fluid of the gallbladder is not excreted in the small intestine so there is a problem of fat absorption and of course that of VITAMIN D. There are other clinical cases that affect the absorption of fats and VITAMIN D, such as those who underwent gastric bypass surgery for weight loss: in this case the esophagus is connected directly to the small intestine in the small intestine and as a result the food does not pass through the duodenum For the secretion of CCK (it is a peptide hormone of the digestive system, responsible for encouraging the digestion of fats and proteins) and therefore there is also no command for the secretion of bile . Homeotreat has been able to simulate the natural process that takes place in the human body in order to express vitamin D capabilities by using L. Reuteri.
Aside from increasing vitamin D intake in the diet and exposing the skin to sunlight, a probiotic supplement containing L. reuteri (a probiotic bacterium that is naturally found within a cluster of intestinal flora) has been shown to be effective in increasing vitamin D levels in the blood. (information source)
How L. reuteri raises vitamin D levels?
1. The L. reuteri raises the level of dehydrocholesterol - 7 (7-DHC): In our skin can be found the substance 7-DHC which under UV-B radiation of the sun becomes a pre-vitamin. The pre-vitamin becomes vitamin D3 because of the heat of the sun. Vitamin D3 passes to the liver and there becomes 25 (OH) D and from there passes to the kidneys and they make it the active form of vitamin D: 25 (OH) 2D.
2. The L. reuteri is responsible for the unique activity of bile salt hydrolase (BSH). While BSH lowers cholesterol levels, animal cholesterol called 7-DHC is also increased in response to BSH activity (present in the skin and other tissues). DHC signals for vitamin D and it becomes vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. (information source)
Special D Ingredients
Lactobacillus Reuteri
Lactobacillus lactic acid bacteria are a well-studied group of beneficial bacteria that occur naturally in the microbiota of the human gut and may lead to an improvement in gastrointestinal symptoms associated with H. pylori. Lactobacillus bacteria provide benefits to their host in a variety of ways: by mediating the body's immune system, strengthening the natural intestinal barrier and more (LRC Newsletter). A variety of factors can cause vitamin D deficiency, including but not limited to, poor nutrition, inadequate exposure to sunlight, obesity, dark skin, heredity, absorption problems or inability to convert vitamin D to its active form. Using probiotics, L. reuteri increases vitamin D levels, and offers protection for bones, heart and intestines. (information source)
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D has a plethora of effects, the main one being the development and maintenance of bone health from the beginning of body development to its end. In people with vitamin D deficiency, a wide range of bone disorders can be seen, such as osteoporosis and osteomyelitis - a lack of mineral absorption into the bone, which causes pain and weakness. But while its effect on bones is its best-known feature, vitamin D also has many subtle but very important functions. For example, it reduces the risk of diabetes and certain forms of cancer including ovaries, breast, colon and prostate; It has been shown to improve hypertension; Help with psoriasis; And it drastically reduces the risk of heart disease. There are even some studies linking Alzheimer's disease, depression and multiple sclerosis to low levels of vitamin D. (information source)
Fibrulin (Inulin)
Inulin is an indigestible oligosaccharide used in the diet as soluble fiber found naturally in more than 36,000 plant species, including vegetables such as wheat, garlic, onions, chicory, artichokes and asparagus. Due to its chemical configuration, inulin is stable to hydrolysis by digestive enzymes, so it reaches the undigested colon and is further selectively fermented by the microflora of the colon (5). It is usually extracted from chicory roots for commercial use. Due to its physico-chemical and nutritional properties inulin is utilized as a compound in various foods and beverages. Inulin consumption appears to regulate intestinal peristalsis and colon passage, stool consistency and frequency, as it enriches the intestinal microbiota composition. Inulin consumption has been linked to the regulation of peristalsis and the passage of the intestine, consistency and frequency of bowel movements, as it produces changes in the composition and microbial activity of the intestine, boosting the immune response, mineral absorption and also satiety and bone weight. In this product, the inulin encourages proper growth of the flora and especially with respect to the L. reuteri. Because due to a variety of gastrointestinal deficiencies, there is a sharp decline in the production of L. reuteri and on the other hand even today's industrialized food no longer contains the ingredient L. reuteri as we used to get within the food we used to consume. Thus, inulin also has beneficial effects on healthy people, as demonstrated in a 2007 study. (EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE 20: 185, 2020)