A natural supplement to encourage anti-aging abilities of our body
Aging is almost always accompanied by a decline in bodily physiological function, resulting in an increased susceptibility to age-related disorders.
It is an inevitable physiological process, but the underlying mechanisms remain to be elucidated after many decades. Among the numerous theories associated with aging, the oxidative stress and free radical accumulation theories stand out the most. The antioxidant system deteriorates as a function of age, bringing about disruption of the delicate balance between radical oxygen species production and elimination leading to oxidative cellular damage. Post-mitotic tissues such as the brain, heart and skeleton muscle are more susceptible to aging, compared with other organs. Importantly, oxidative stress accumulation and mitochondrial dysfunction are important inducers of cardiac aging.
Each package contains: 120 herbal capsules.
Recommended use: One capsule twice a day,
not approximate to meals.
ADAM-930 Benefits
Lowering blood fat, blood sugar and preventing diabetes.
Reduces oxidation speed and delay aging.
Relieves muscle fatigue and enhance body endurance.
Moistening and relaxing the bowels.
Hepatoprotective and anticancer effects.
Prevention of prostatic Hypoplasia.
Improves immunity, anti-fatigue, anti-oxidation.
Highest source of DHEA and other beneficial phytohormones for both men and women.
Rich source of natural iodin.
Dissolution of atherosclerotic plaques.
A source of different natural bioactive compounds with excellent antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.
Significant antimicrobial, anti-fungal, and antiviral capacity.
Act as an anti-inflammatory and a pain-blocker.
May even help inhibit plaque build-up in arteries, thereby preventing atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and a resulting heart attack or stroke.
It may enhance cardiovascular health by breaking down the protein by-products of blood coagulation called fibrin. Conveniently, ADAM 930 is able to dissolve the fibrin and other dead or damaged tissue without harming living tissue.
This could enable the dissolution of atherosclerotic plaques without causing any harm to the inside of the arteries. -
In addition to its multiplex stress-protective activity ADAM 930 has demonstrated anti-aging, immune stimulating, DNA repair and anti-cancer effects.
Antispasmodic and Digestive Tonic.
Analgesic Effect.
Effect on Cholesterol Levels.
Effect on Blood Glucose and Insulin Resistance.
Helps rejuvenate near-senescent cells and encourages the body’s healthy process for dealing with senescent ones.
In the brain, the accumulation of free radicals and attenuation of respiratory chain enzyme complex activity cause damage to cerebral mitochondria, wherein their dysfunction can induce the onset of some neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, among others. Besides oxidative stress, aging is also closely associated with bringing about structural and functional defects in the immune system.
Immunological dysfunction could be the cause of the increased susceptibility of the aged population to bacterial and virus infections, which are commonly seen in the elderly. Gradual loss of cognition is one of the main characteristics of aging, with manifestation of declining logical thinking, memory and spatial abilities. Cerebral aging is the main cause of cognitive deficits and could be induced by neurodegeneration. While, on the other hand, ageassociated cognitive deficits do not mean neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease, since aging brain applies a sensitive microenvironment to induce more severe damage than that caused by diseases. The demise of neurons caused by the activation of cell death programs is involved in the process of age-related neurodegeneration.

In short, what we know as a physical body is made up of different organs. These organs are made up of tissues. And each tissue is made up of joining millions of cells that are put together according to their structure and function. Well, in fact, our cells play the most fundamental role in shaping human physics. In other words, cells are the basic building blocks of our human body, which are made up of about 200 different types. Examples are red blood cells,skin cells, neurons, or fat cells. Although the cell itself is made up of molecules, atoms and subatomic particles.
Now, to be more precise, a human being is made up of about 30 trillion human cells, each with its own structure and function, and that number is almost constant. But for a variety of reasons, the cell may die, so with the death of each cell, a cell division takes place to replace the dead cell with a new cell. Now these cells die in two different ways. In the first method, the life of the cell ends and it dies. In fact, cells have a specific life cycle.
We mentioned earlier that there are about 200 different cell groups in the human body, and that the lifespan of each of the 200 cell groups is different. For example, white blood cells live only about 13 days, while red blood cells have a lifespan of about 120 days.
Hepatocytes can live up to 18 months. While brain cells and eye cells survive almost all human life. In general, the average lifespan of a healthy human is 8 to 10 years. And in the second method, the cell may die before the end of its life due to damage, which itself depends on two different factors. Internal factor and external factor. Internal factors are when a cell is damaged from within the body for certain reasons, for example when a cell is infected by bacteria or viruses, and external factors are when a cell dies due to the wrong environment and lifestyle.
For example, exposure to electromagnetic radiation or exposure to dust particles. In both cases, when the cell is damaged, the human body initiates a process called programmed cell death (PCD), which is essential to prevent disease. In this case, the infected cell, produces a signal. This signal causes phagocytes to find and eat it. Phagocytes are cells that are able to eat and digest dying cells. Cell division is now performed and the new cell replaces the dead cell.
Aging is an irreversible and inevitable process that affects all parts of the human body. On the cellular level, aging is associated with senescence, the cessation of cell division driven by mechanisms such as telomere shortening and other forms of genotoxic stress. Senescent cells are characterized by compromised nuclear structure, as well as enlarged and irregular shape. These changes are responsible for the progressive loss of physiological integrity observed on the organismal level. Although complete prevention of aging seems unlikely, anti-aging remedies that focus on delaying this process hold considerable pharmaceutical potential.
Just imagine making it to age 80, but you have not taken care of yourself. You thus suffer from severe degenerative disorders and have only a short time left to live. As our cells divide normally, or in response to poor lifestyle choices, telomeres progressively shorten until cells become dysfunctional or die. When this happens, we grow older, become afflicted with the diseases of aging, and eventually die. Telomeres are small units of DNA at the ends of our chromosomes.
They are often compared to the plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces. As long as these tips (telomeres) remain intact, they keep the chromosomes from fraying and the genes inside from unraveling. This same degenerative effect occurs in our stem cells with aging, which makes them progressively unable to create healthy new cells. There is evidence that fish oil, vitamin D, carnosine, multivitamins, and healthy lifestyle choices may slow the rate of telomere shortening.
This helps explain why people who take care of themselves and use the proper supplements enjoy such profound health benefits. We live in a fascinating era. Throughout history there were no validated methods to slow human aging, let alone reverse it. Today, scientists are meticulously investigating methods to enable our aging bodies to grow younger. If they succeed, then we might be the last generation to succumb to aging and the horrific diseases that accompany it. (information source)
ADAM-930 Ingredients
Pine pollen
As a kind of Chinese traditional medicine, pine pollen, which is the male spore of pine tree, has been used as a drug and food for thousands of years. Pine pollen has an effect in the treatment of different kinds of diseases such as colds, disease of the prostate, anemia, diabetes, hypertension, asthma, and rhinitis. Pine pollen is collected from Pinus massoniana Lamb., Pinus tabulaeformis Carr., and it has the characteristics of a single pollen source, pure quality, and is a stable component. Pine pollen powder, called “natural micronutrient storeroom,” is rich in many kinds of body-demanding amino acid, minerals, vitamin, enzyme, and flavonoids. Taken together, pine pollen is proved to delay the replicative senescence of human diploid fibroblasts and block D-galactose-induced increase of serum and cerebral AGEs level in model mouse, which may result in the reversal of D-galactose-induced aging effects in both neural and inflammation system. It is possible that pine pollen exerts its antiaging effects at least partially by its NEG-inhibiting effect in vivo. (information source)
The pine pollen powder is known for several uses in Chinese medicine:
Lowering blood fat, blood sugar and preventing diabetes
Reduce oxidation speed and delay aging
Relieve muscle fatigue and enhance body endurance
Moistening and relaxing the bowels
Hepatoprotective and anticancer effects
Prevention of prostatic Hypoplasia
Improving immunity, anti-fatigue, anti-oxidation.
Pine pollen is a yellow dust-like substance that is incredibly fine and is a superfood that comes from various pine tree species. While the word superfood is far too commonly used in health and wellness circles, pine pollen far surpasses the threshold for qualifying as such because it contains over 200 nutrients the human body can use, and it nature’s highest source of DHEA and other beneficial phytohormones for both men and women. Within that matrix of pollen contains an abundance of nutrients and some are found in concentrations unlike any other source found in nature. This includes over 200+ bioactive nutrients that the human body can use like 14 vitamins, 24 minerals, all of the 20+ amino acids, 18 living enzymes, essential fatty acids and nature highest source of phytohormones.
Phytohormones are also known as brassinosteroids or phytoandrogens and are bio-identical to human hormones in their effects. These plant-derived growth factors are called brassinosteroids and include androgens like testosterone and androstenedione. Like phytoestrogens, these phytoandrogens play equal, if not greater roles in aging men and women. Brassinosteroids are found throughout the plant kingdom, such as in new growths, germinating seeds, and young vegetative tissues. Superfoods like wheat-grass juice, germinated broccoli seed, and certain sprouts have these nourishing plant hormones but the highest concentration of these plant molecules are found in pine pollen. (information source)
Black walnut hull
The walnut (Juglans spp.) is an appreciated nut that belongs to the Juglandaceae family. The fruit includes four main parts: the kernel, the skin, the shell, and the green husk. It is widely cultivated due to its edible kernel. In walnut production centers, high amounts of the husk as an agro-forest waste product are produced and discarded away. Recently, it has been demonstrated that the walnut green husk could be valued as a source of different natural bioactive compounds with excellent antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.
Due to growing consumer awareness and demand, there is an increasing need for naturally derived chemicals for consumption, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and industrial applications. Walnuts contain a variety of beneficial and useful chemical species. Walnuts are a rich source of antioxidants, natural compounds demonstrated to have numerous health benefits. For example, proanthocyanidins, which are present in high amounts in nuts, help protect the body from sun damage, enhance vision, promote flexibility in joints, arteries and cardiac tissue, and improve blood circulation. Walnut husk extracts have demonstrated antimicrobial effects against gram-positive bacteria. Walnut husk extracts can also inhibit xanthine oxidase, an enzyme which forms xanthine which causes hyperuricemia, a metabolic disorder causing inflammation and gout. Walnut husks are also high in naphthoquinones, which have a variety of potential uses. Juglone, a naphthoquinone found in walnuts, was demonstrated to have cytotoxic effects against cultured melanoma cells. Naphthoquinones can also be used as broad-spectrum biocides. Black walnuts can also be used as a bio-herbicide.
Walnut fruit is reported as one of the richest in phenolic compounds among edible plants. As a consequence, walnut extracts made of leaves, husks, kernels or shells were proved to show a wide spectrum of biological activities, which are beneficial for human health in many aspects. For example, walnut-derived polyphenols exhibit the capacity for removal of free radicals and is a rich source of natural iodin. Iodine effectively improves the removal of sodium fluoride via urine. Iodine also helps remove the other halogens chlorine, bromine, and astatine, along with radioactive iodine.. Some of the active ingredients reveal even more potent antioxidant activity than L-ascorbic acid. Walnut extract containing flavonoids, ellagic acid, and gallic acid was also demonstrated to inhibit oxidation of human plasma and LDL in vitro. Moreover, juglone, one of the main phenolic compounds in walnut, was reported to show potential antitumor effect via induction of apoptosis of tumor cells. It was also suggested that some juglone derivatives may exhibit antitubercular activity. Apart from antioxidant activity, walnut extracts reveal also significant antimicrobial, anti-fungal, and antiviral capacity. Ethanolic extracts of J. regia leaves were demonstrated to exhibit antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity. Whereas, aqueous extract of defatted seed cake of walnut kernels was found not only to mildly inhibit inflammation, UVB-induced apoptois, and oxidative stress but also to slightly inhibit collagenase and elastase activities, suggesting its potential utility in cosmetic anti-aging applications.
Papaya (Serrspeptase)
Serrapeptase, technically called Serratio Peptidase, is a proteolytic enzyme, which means that it chops up or digests protein. It is produced from the Papaya fruit. When this enzyme is isolated and coated in the form of a tablet, it has been shown to act as an anti-inflammatory and a pain-blocker, much like aspirin, ibuprofen and other nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). What’s more, preliminary research indicates that Serrapeptase may even help inhibit plaque build-up in arteries, thereby preventing atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and a resulting heart attack or stroke. Therefore, much like aspirin, this naturally derived enzyme may work to prevent inflammation, pain, heart attack and stroke. Unlike aspirin and other over-the-counter (OTC) NSAIDs, Serrapeptase has not been shown to cause ulcers and stomach bleeding.
Serrapeptase is thought to work in three ways:
● It may reduce inflammation by thinning the fluids formed from injury, and facilitating the fluid’s drainage. This in turn, also speeds tissue repair.
● It may help alleviate pain by inhibiting the release of pain-inducing amines called bradykinin.
● It may enhance cardiovascular health by breaking down the protein by-products of blood coagulation called fibrin. Conveniently, Serrapeptase is able to dissolve the fibrin and other dead or damaged tissue without harming living tissue. This could enable the dissolution of atherosclerotic plaques without causing any harm to the inside of the arteries.
Serrapeptase has been used in Europe and Asia for over 25 years. Because the enzyme digests or dissolves all nonliving tissue, including blood clots, cysts and arterial plaque, it is used to treat a variety of conditions, including sprains and torn ligaments, postoperative swelling, venous thrombosis (clots in the legs), ear, nose and throat infections and atherosclerosis. (information source)
"Papaya is a superfood that gets little attention for its ability to slow and reverse signs of aging, but the reversal happens both internally and externally at a cellular level," says Trista Best, MPH, RD, LD. "The vitamins and plant compounds contained within papaya make it an antioxidant-rich fruit. These antioxidants and vitamins work in the body to slow and reverse oxidative stress," says Best. "If this oxidative stress is allowed to occur and persist, it can damage cells. Once those cells replicate, their damage manifests itself in the form of wrinkles, loss of elasticity, and even chronic conditions exacerbated by inflammation. (information source)
Rhodiola Rosea
Known colloquially as the “golden root,” Rhodiola rosea L. is a Chinese herb that has been widely incorporated into various food additives, drinks, and cosmetic products. R. rosea plants are botanical adaptogens that grow mainly in the Himalayan belt and Tibet, and according to the basic tenets of traditional Chinese medicine, boost qi and reduce fatigue. R. rosea’s pharmacological anti-aging effects have been well documented. Studies have verified R. rosea’s therapeutic value for the treatment of aging-related diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease (Zhuang et al., 2019). In addition, in vitro studies performed in human lung fibroblast cell lines have demonstrated R. rosea’s ability to reverse senescence-like phenotypes (Chiang, Chen, Wu, Wu, & Wen, 2015). (information source)
In addition to its multiplex stress-protective activity, Rhodiola rosea extracts have recently demonstrated its anti-aging, anti-inflammation, immune stimulating, DNA repair and anti-cancer effects in different model systems. Rhodiola rosea extracts and salidroside can impose cellular and systemic benefits similar to the effect of positive lifestyle interventions to normal physiological functions and for anti-cancer. (information source)
Saffron (Crocus Sativa)
Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) is a medicinal plant, originally cultivated in the East and Middle East, and later in some Mediterranean countries. Saffron is obtained from the stigmas of the plant. Currently, the use of saffron is undergoing a revival. The medicinal virtues of saffron, its culinary use and its high added value have led to the clarification of its phytochemical profile and its biological and therapeutic characteristics. Saffron is rich in carotenoids and terpenes. Saffron and its major compounds have powerful antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties in vitro and in vivo.
Anti-tumor properties have also been described. Overall, the phytochemical profile of saffron confers many beneficial virtues on human health and, in particular, on the prevention of age-related diseases, which is a major asset reinforcing the interest for this medicinal plant. Saffron and crocins (Saffron's main constituent molecules) were found to inhibit beta-amyloid aggregation, a key step in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, a recent systematic review of clinical trials demonstrated that saffron was equally effective as commonly used drugs for Alzheimer’s disease and resulted in no difference in the incidence of side effects.
(Taken from https://www.mdpi.com/journal/nutrients review on Saffron (Crocus sativus L.): A Source of Nutrients for Health and for the Treatment of Neuropsychiatric and Age-Related Diseases)
In a Parkinson’s disease model, it was shown that exercise and crocin supplementation, due to their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, could ameliorate motor and memory deficits. In addition, C. sativus hydroethanolic extract has a neuroprotective effect on the nervous system of the meriones shawi rodent, suggesting that saffron could be a possible therapeutic agent in neurodegenerative disorders, including dopaminergic and noradrenergic injuries trigged by heavy metals like in Parkinson’s disease.
More recently, saffron has attracted a renewed interest for its use in cosmetics:
Anti-UV Agent
Redness of Dark Spots
Anti-Aging Effect and Diseases of the Skin
Saffron as Natural Pigments in Cosmetics
Since ancient times, plants have been used in every civilization, worldwide, as a source of traditional medicine. For more than 3000 years, saffron has been considered a panacea, according to Ayurvedic, Mongolian, Chinese, Egyptian, Greek and Arabic medicines.
Some therapeutic properties attributed to saffron are listed below:
Treating Sexual Dysfunction
Antispasmodic and Digestive Tonic
Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic Effect
Effect on Cholesterol Levels
Effect on Blood Glucose and Insulin Resistance
Healing of Second-Degree Burns
Effects on the Eyes
Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum)
Ganoderma lucidum is a white-rot fungus that has been viewed as a traditional Chinese tonic for promoting health and longevity. It has been revealed that several extractions from Ganoderma lucidum, such as Ethanol extract, aqueous extract, mycelia extract, water soluble extract of the culture medium of Ganoderma lucidum mycelia, Ganodermasides A, B, C, D, and some bioactive components of Ganoderma lucidum, including Reishi Polysaccharide Fraction 3, Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides I, II, III, IV, Ganoderma lucidum peptide, Ganoderma polysaccharide peptide, total G. lucidum triterpenes and Ganoderic acid C1 could exert lifespan elongation or related activities.
The pharmacological effect of Ganoderma lucidum was first attested by “Shen Nong’s Herbal Classic” as early as 100 BC, and observed to promote health, increase vigor and vitality as well as prolong lifespan. The ancient Chinese Taoist viewed Ganoderma lucidum as an herbal medicine that could help people to achieve the “elixir of external youth”. In China, Ganoderma lucidum has long been used as a folk medicine for improving health and is considered the most exalted traditional Chinese medicine. (information source)